Iphigénie en Tauride

Extrait vidéo

Iphigénie en Tauride





Création : Royal Opera House de Covent Garden, Londres (Angleterre), 5 juillet 1992

Reprise 1993/1994 : Théâtre Herodes Atticus d’Athènes (Grèce), Royal Opera House de Covent Garden, Londres (Angleterre)


Opéra de 1779, en quatre actes, de Gluck réalisé en coproduction avec l’English Bach Festival


Musique : Christoph-Willibald Gluck

Livret : Nicolas-François Guillard

Mise en scène : Alain Germain

Chorégraphie : Stephen Preston

Décors et costumes : Alain Germain et Terence Emery d’après des dessins d’époque

Lumières : Roger Frith

Distribution : Diane Atherton, Richard Chew, Majella Cullagh, Martin Higgins, Andreas Jäggi, Nigel Leeson Williams, François Le Roux, Stella Litchfield, Amanda Mc Murray, Donald Maxwell, Anne O’Neill, Fiona Rose, Jennifer Smith, Russell Smythe et Robert Torday

Ballet, Chœurs et Orchestre de l’English Bach Festival sous la direction de Marc Minkowski

« Visually, this new Iphigénie – performed as part of the English Bach Festival at Covent Garden on Sunday – was uninterruptedly delightful, and there was the added pleasure of feeling spectacle and music working in a kind of stylistic symboisis. No matter that now and again a hint of affectionate irony surfaced in Germain’s realisation : that only addes freshness. What did matter was the way that, at best, sights and sounds supported and enriched each other. The numerous ballet scenes, with their sumptuously plumed soldiers, whiterobed priestesses and elegant furies, were a treat for eyes and ears. One slight puzzle – why these magnificent neo-classical apartments were so scantily furnished – was soon solved : the cast themselves were the furniture ; anything barring peripheral columns or the odd carfully nplaced folding chair would have been clutter. »

Stephen Johnson . The Independent


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